Wednesday, December 24, 2008


LOok at tHis smAll waTer coNtaiNer fRom Cute.

Delicious bbq mushroom wif blackpapper source

Taipei...lots of things to buy n eat

I went to taiwan last week. Taiwan having winter now

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


My natural product failed! True success?

Success is not about results we get….whether in terms of academic or wealth, if we never fail, we will never able to take failure as a lesson….it will b as though da world is going to b an end once we fail. Today, I reseat my natural products paper. Is quite hard n im in da middle of da road…I dunno whether I can make it thru or not….is not dat im not positive minded but im preparing myself to hav success even though I pass or I fail. funny….how could I b a successful person if I failed my reseat? Well, y not?....ppl see da confidence inside we hav, not dat we r so smart or wat….i can’t smell da successful life in ppl who seldom or never fail b4 if they just can’t cope wif themselves when failure comes….some even commit suicide…like Leslie is very popular n he’s very rich yet he committed suicide…is dis called as success? We hav success in our heart regardless of wat circumstances maybe….It seems unfair, it seems like didn’t make sense when we tried so hard yet it is as though like never done anything b4. N it seems hard to trust God when we pray so hard, work so hard yet He didn’t answer. The question is will we trust God even when failure comes? Or do we say God is not good coz He din help us? Or usually we will say, ‘y me?’....many of us do including me….but think back….we should actually thank God n not putting a blame on Him. He just wan to train us, develop our character, in order to fit into His purpose, His plan for us so dat even when storms come, we will able to stand firm n not fall. Like the inventor Thomas Alva Edison (in the USA) experimented with thousands of different filaments to find just the right materials to glow well and be long-lasting. He failed so many times yet he never gave up n bcoz of him, his name till now bcame a history ady. This shows dat he hav da confidence to achieve wat he’s aiming at………. God is always good. God is perfect….there is no blemish, no wrong in Him. All He has is love for us. He has a plan, a purpose, a future for each one of us. I can smell success when one has confidence in himself not that he won’t fail but dat he can make it thru one day by not giving up bcoz he knows his true purpose of life. I hav confidence in myself for wat God has made me to be, He has a purpose for me. Bfore da next result comes, I admit I fear of failure, but when I seek God n reflects my life, I found dat da beast has become butterfly…is full of joy dat I hav da privilege to experience dis failure….y, so weird?, not weird….so dat when I see ppl around me, I can convince them not to afraid of failure. Not dat I wan them to fail or wan them to thank me but I wan them to b stronger n believe dat success comes frm heart not frm results….does da result(eg frm richness of leslie) brings success? u think when a timid person yet score all As’ in exam is a successful person?….deep down, dat person feel lonely, feel insecure, feel like failure in his heart. I admit my greatest fear is not about failure but worrying of wat ppl will think of me when they know I failed….they might think dat im weak, im slow learner or im lazy…..i just wan to keep my face…..well all dis are negative thinking….so I choose not to think this way bcoz each one of us is special in God’s eyes…He made us. Will I give up just bcoz wat ppl say of me?....will we not look to da one who created us who surely has not abandon us bcoz He made us for a purpose. If I never learn how to fail, I will never learn how to succeed. Wat God wans best for us to be, He will prepare now. Who r we to ask God(the creator) to serve us by answering all our request to God instead of we serve da One who create us(God)? Does He not hav da right to choose da pathway for us? Who r we to question God’s justice or to complain wat had happened? Does He not hav da right to test us, to shape us into His perfect plan? God, forgive me of my doubt on Your unconditional Love. Help me not change my perspective on You when storms come or when You r silent.

Looking behind to learn frm da past but not stay on frm da past....hehe. Dis pic is frm taiwan
Thank God I finally pass! Wat an amazing grace!

Last week during Taiwan trip, I dreamt dat I pass my natural product. Is amazing coz honestly speaking I even planned wat to do if I failed n I only 49% thinking dat I will pass. But I choose not to worry bcoz I can’t turn back my clock. I choose to trust God dat no matter fail or pass dat He has a plan for me to prosper me in da way dat I would feel contented. After came frm Taiwan, on Monday means today I collect my reseat result. Wow, amazing, praise God n thank God! By God’s grace I’ve just pass my exam. I’m so happy but happy is always just a moment. Happiness nvr last but joy last forever. Joy is not about d absence of pain but joy is having da presence of God wif us. Having Jesus in my heart, there will b no single holes left in my heart bcoz only Him can satisfy my soul. Happiness or da worldly things can only cover some of da holes but there will still hav small small holes dat cannot be fully covered by them. There’s no exact shape dat can fit into da holes except I got a new heart. With Jesus, my heart is new, no holes at all (full satisfaction). Hehe. Im not showing of by being a so called a holy person always talk about God but of coz when someone admire a person will always talk about dat person. I admire the Lord Jesus bcoz He is really perfect. N honestly speaking, I still got a lot of things to learn, still need to change, still imperfect, I can b hypocrite also, hot-tempered, a blur sotong person as well. But wat I know is God is still changing me n shaping me wat He wans me to b. so I will add oil n I hope u too add oil n hav a fulfilling life wif hope n an everlasting love. Hehehehehehehe….thank u for reading n nice to know ur all.